Saturday, July 26, 2008

july update

Howdy all!
First a shout out to Duncan and his cast of Prince Trevor Amongst the Elephants and the Midtown International Theater Festival. If you get a chance check it out!
Got the results of my latest Pet/CT scan and evrything is all negative!! Yay!! No activity and thats a good thing! whew!! I had some weird itching on my ankle that was freaking me out like hodgkins coming back but it wasn't. Mustve just been some sand flea from the beach biting me!
I got a new MacBook and am loving it. Though it is something to get used to since I've been on a pc for so long. I do miss some applications! I need to get a copy of windows for mac thats for sure!
I'm finally motivated to put my cabaret feature length debut show together. I've been listening to tons with thoughts of what to do and how to piece it all together. I'm thinkin sometime in Sept as long as I have an accomp and the venue is free! Most likely a sunday or a monday night. If you have any suggestions of what you may want to hear me sing....let me know!
Oh! and my website it kind of up and running. It's really generic but for know it's something. I have to figure out how to add some music to it. If you care to take alook at it it's . Or you can also check out and check out a couple of songs there. I threw that back up there for a submission for an audition. All i heard was we'll get back to you in a couple days so I dunno if i even get to go to the audition lol. Hopefully I'm getting new headshots in August! If you've seen my headshot, then you really know it needs an update for sure! Oh it's from 2002 and my hair has since fallen out and grown back and as you can see is now short (but growing!) and curly! Still trying to figure out this curly business. I'm used to wavy but curls are good too!
Guess thats the update for now