Monday, February 11, 2008

a little scare

Whew had a little scare today, but all is fine. I went to the oncologist this morning. All was fine, said I looked fine, said oh your hair should start growing back in in about a week, week and a half. We'll see. I had them take the blood from my port since they had to flush it anyways. Told the doc about my issue with standing up from squatting looking at some low shelves or getting up from laying on the couch and things start getting a little black. NEver have passed out but came pretty close in GameStop the other day. He said it was because of the radiation. The area that was radiated is now all stiff and whatever ventricle that helps the blood pressure regulate is not quite up to par, so just get up slowly. lol. ok guess I can do that lol. So i was an hour late to work, no biggie. Then about 12:30 the docs office and says to come back in and have my blood drawn again. The platlettes were too low compared to a month ago. yikes, whats up with that. So I went and came back and all is fine. As the doc put it it was just clumpy. Whether it's clumpy inside my port or just clumped up in the tube i dunno, but the blood drawn from my arm is much better and pretty regular numbers so they sent me on my way yay! i have to say though, it's too cold to be runnin back and forth lol!
But i'm glad that they are lookin at all the numbers and act on them.
I'm super excited for the end of May to be here! My mom and I will be hopin on a plane and goin to Seattle to then catch a boat and go cruising through Alaska!! yay!! I can't wait. I think i'll just be standing along the railing taking pictures the whole time. Well, when I'm not off the boat on a tour taking more pictures!! I can't wait!
Well thats about all, guess I should go do some work now!

Took forever to get the authorization for the PetCat scan but finally got the call and hten was told, oh you don't need precertifications for out of office scans. So i waited for a couple days for nothing. But I called this morning and my scans will be on Monday. I have the day off from work then anyways so no big deal. Just can't eat after 9am. Guess I'll have to wake up early anyways and eat breakfast. Then go back to sleep haha.

Thats the latest


Unknown said...

Wow Sandy it sounds like you've had an interesting week. I'm glad to hear everything is okay. That is so cool that you are going to Alaska. My parents have went and they absolutely love it. The pictures they have brought back are so beautiful.
Well, I've got two more treatments of radiation and then I'm done :) I'm going to miss seeing my radiation team everyday. They are such a great group of people.
Anyway, take it easy and I'll talk to you later.

Duane said...

Hey there Sandy,

When you and Kelly meet up again in the city, please let me know. I'd like to meet up with you two.

I'm so glad to see things are going well.

Duane :)

Duane said...

BTW, your cruise to Alaska sounds fantastic. Please photos from your trip.