Friday, February 22, 2008

Take me out of the bath cause I AM CLEAN!

Well boys and girls, Monday I went and had my PET/CT scan. The 2months after radiation ended scan. It went fine. Tasted a new horrible flavor of barium crap. This one was supposedly Apple. But tasted nothing like an Apple ever would or should. It was sooooooo nasty. But after an hour of slowly sipping it or just trying to gulp it away, it was finished. Went into the scans (nodded off every now and then in the machine) and then I was done.

Tuesday was not such a great day. Monday, foundout a friend has passed away after her fight with stage 4 lung cancer. Tuesday we went to the service. Quite a large turn out, over 500 people. For a young woman she really touched a lot of peoples lives thats for sure! Marissa will truly be missed by many people.

Wednesday, just another day in paradise.

Thursday took my roommate Kevin and I over to Studio 54 to catch the opening of Sunday In The Park With George. I really love this show. And after seeing it live, I really really love this show! The leads that were brought over from the London revival were excellent. The digital lights and effects used to recreate George Seurats Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of Gran Jatte, most excellent. I wept (ok not obsessively or embarassingly). We had a couple of celebrity sightings at the event, one being Jane Krakowski (who i kept seeing throughout the was like she was stalking me haha jk) and Lauren Bacall. So fun evening.
Oh during the day I went to a new gyn doc. Not a very happy warm greeting and i waiting a long time in the room for her to make her entrance. Then it was like oh why do you come every 6months? My reply was becuase I was told too, I mean i'm not the doctor so I dunno what the rules are with that. She said oh thats a waste of resources you only need to come annually. Then talked about having Hodgkins to which she said..Aren't you a little old for Hodgkins?? In the same kind of tone someone would say, aren't you a little old to be dating so and so, or aren't you a little old to be wearing that? REALLY?????? Hmmm well the biopsy (ya know wher ethey cut into you and take a piece out and study it under a microscope and see the tell tale signs and markers of the disease....well yeah that is what it said it was, i dunno what to tell ya. She just returned to writing on the form. Then she took off, as apparently there was another patient with an emergency. So i waited a bit longer after changing into the tent they gave me to change in to. She came back, told me of the emergency and how i had perfect timing (cause ya it's all my fault some woman had an er issue and you're swamped yep all me i cuased all that) but then her demeanor turned really pleasant and caring. So wierd. I dunno if i'll go back there in a year lol

And my results were supposed to be 2pm but i got a call to move it up to 11:15. So i walked over in the snow (love it, it started snowing somewhere between midnight and 3:30am yay) got there, gave my blood. Then waited forever in the room waiting for the doc to come in. He forgot I was in there. I could hear him through the glass chattin with another doc in the office, then started singing "these boots are made for walking" hilarous. Then i asked the receptionist (right outside my room) if she could remind him i'm in there. The nurse was walking by so she did. He then quite hurridly came in. Then opened up the file and showed me the report that said....... ALL CLEAN!!! No signs of malignancy anywhere!! Yay!!! So I see him in a month just to checkin but no more petscans until end of summer (around 4-6 months he said) he may throw in another ct scan sometime but maybe not. Then after that one at the end of summer, not another one after that for another 6months. So good news! I was really getting nervous on the walk over to the office man. Butterflies in the stomach somethin bad. Just kept tellin myself I'm cured, I'm cured, over and over. Glad that wait is over! So glad it all came back clean!

Tomorrow is a fun filled movie day. Fo $30 at AMC i'm see all the best picture Oscar nominee films. from 11-11 I'll be there. I get a free large popcorn too with free rifills and some keepsake lanyard with pics of the nominated movies.

So there's my week recap!! Hope everyone has a great snowy weekend!!!


Kelly Kane said...


Anonymous said...

Fantastic news, Sandy! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!


Unknown said...

Wow, you've had an interesting week. CONGRATULATIONS ON THE SCANS!!! That is awesome!

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad the service turned out nice.

As far as you GYN doc...she needs to find a different career. What a hooch!! I know that's not very nice, be she doesn't seem to be very nice.

Your probably still at the movie theater. Hope you had a good time.

Unknown said...

Mississippi sounds like a lot of fun. I've only been there once. How exciting that your grandmother is 90, I really hope to live that long!! How long will you be gone for? Hope you have a great time!!