Monday, September 24, 2007

Doc n Kathy Griffin

So I went to the oncologist today to checkin. He siad sounds like it's the whitecell booster and chemo that given me the aches and pains. OH and the really "good" news (and i'm being sarcastic) is that he may want to add on another 2 treatements beacuse I had two breaks (one for the gallbladder removal and one cause of strepthroat) Thats annoying. If the scans are soo clean and I'm getting quite a few after a clean scan, why add two more. Ugh. I have plans for turkey day and I dont' want more treatments screwing up gettin the hell out o the state! But it is what it is and I don't want this crap to come back because that would be bad and a lot more crap to deal with. So do what i got to do. So I got back on friday and get more toxic cancer killing drugs adn hope that they don't kill off too many of my good cells while they're at it! I like to keep the good cells!

The White cell booster Neulasta did it's job and my whiteblood count is great! So thats nice that it did it's job and I probably wont' have to have another shot till probably right before the treatment on the 12 of Oct.

Ordered my KathGriffin tix a little while ago. She's at the Garden in January. Super excited. I really enjoy Life on the D List and have seen her live before. She is just hilarious!!

thats all for now, but stay tuned for another gripping edition of life on the hodge list


Kelly Kane said...

And maybe I'll be in attendance to Kathy in January...

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear about the extra treatments. I think I would opt to have extra's just to be certain cancer is gone. Have fun Kellie.
Take care,

Duane said...

I too find Kathy to be hilarious . . . annoying at times, but hilarious. Did you see her appearance on Larry King last week?

I'm thinking of you.
