Friday, August 10, 2007


Yay my throat is reducing in swelling. It's gonna get kind of gross here but, this morning some big chunk of something that was stuck in my tonsil (hardened puss, old food who knows what it was) came flyin out. AFter that the tonsil suddenly reduced in size and no longer felt like a piece of popcorn stuck in the back of my mouth!
OH yay sweet Jesus, I have relief!!!!
Now, Monday hopefully they'll either say o for chemo or just wait till friday. i'd rather they say ok just go down and get it and then reset my days to that. But I guess it's wait and see till then.
OH and Jon thanks for the comment, couldn't leave one on yours but hopefully you'll read this and know i got it and appreciate the visit!

it's a rainy day here in the big apple. But oh so much cooler! Lastnight ws beautiful. I enjoyed a lovely walk home from Ruths (voice teacher) and a lovely evening at her place) but that walk was so nice. it was cool and breezy. I can't wait for the fall weather like that!

have a great weekend!

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